Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I just finished my smoothie and was thinking about the workout I did today. It was miserable but I did it. "IT" was called Kelly.

400 or 500 m (I forgot)
15 wall ball presses (I only got up 6lbs)
15 box jumps
5 rounds for time

Amy gave me a time but I was so out of it when she said it I forgot! I wanted to die. My face was so red I laughed when I saw it in the mirror. But as bad as the workout was I felt great when I was done. It was about 45degrees outside and it was raining and I ran in it. Pretty cool feeling knowing I'm out doing something that you couldn't pay ALOT of people to do. I love it.

I'm seeing changes. Others are seeing changes. My tummy, the one I was really seriously thinking about getting a tummy tuck for is changing. YEAH! I put on my 12's today, size 12 Mossimo jeans and they fit comfortably I even put on a belt to keep them up where I want them. I am at my fittest to date a size 10. Normally my body is happy at a 12/14 but I'm not. At the peak of my fitness (thank you Uncle Sam) I was a 10. Right now my goal is to be a 12 in any pair I try on of any brand. Then to have my 14's be too big for me. Which they almost are. So, thank you AMY thank you Crossfit! I see a pin prick of light at the end of this tunnel.

My hubby will be home soon and I hope the progress is most apparent to him.

OH, I did push ups on my toes today. They weren't the best, hell they probably weren't even really THAT good...but guess what I did it. I can't stand doing them on my knees. Another success.

thanks for reading

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