Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I miss Louisiana at times like these.  The parades and the food, and the food :-).  I miss the colors, the festivities, and hearing people speak Cajun/Creole/French English. 

Went to the gym even though every fiber in my body was telling me to sleep in.  I made it through my 30 minute interval training on the bike today and that was it!  I had a wicked headache and just needed to crash.  Crash I did not.  I grabbed lunch, Panera (soup and salad) and then ran a few errands and then took my daughter to her first lesson with her tutor!  Trying to make math fun and not daunting and Mamma can't seem to make that happen.

Well, tomorrow we pack and Thursday it's off to preop.  From there we are headed home to spend some time with the family and I'm hoping that the girls don't slip up and tell the family about my upcoming surgery.  I'm not telling anyone for several reasons, mainly because I don't want to have to explain myself and answer a bunch of questions that are frankly no one's business unless I made it their business.  The Army life has instilled in me a great sense of keeping things within my small nuclear family and not worrying about what everyone else is doing.  I have also had mixed opinions from strangers (or near strangers) when I have happened to mention what I am about to do.  So, it's better to say nothing in our opinion (hubby fully on board here) and maybe mention it in hind sight. 

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